作曲部門・予選結果発表【Announcement of the results of the International Left-Hand Piano Competition for Composition】

第2回 ウィトゲンシュタイン記念 左手のピアノ国際コンクール




ウィトゲンシュタイン記念 左手のピアノ国際コンクール

In spite of the fact that this is the world’s first “International Competition for Left-Hand Piano, Composition category”, we received many entries and in the end 25 works were submitted.

These compositions were approached from a variety of perspectives that exceeded our expectations, and in order to share these diverse works with the audience, we decided that we needed to select 10 works to perform, although this is more than we had originally planned. We also aim to contribute more deeply to the “expansion and popularization” of the repertoire of left-hand piano works.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the composers who have entered the competition.

Wittgenstein Memorial International Competition for the Left Hand Piano
Chairman of the Jury for the Composition Category
Michio Kitazume

◆ 入選者(アルファベット順)
The following is the list of qualifiers (in alphabetical order)

  • AOKI, Sota 青木聡汰
  • HIJIKATA, Nagisa 土方渚紗
  • ITAMURA,Hiroatsu 板村博貴
  • JIROMARU, Tomoki 次郎丸智希
  • NAKAMURA, Takashi 中村 節
  • ONO, Mizuki 大野瑞季
  • PARK, Soo-Hyun 朴 守賢
  • TAKETANI, Aiko 武谷あい子
  • VESTI, Ulrik
  • WITMER, David








My name is Takeo Tchinai and I am the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the International Left-Handed Piano Competition. I would like to thank you all for your interest and compositions in the field of “Piano Music for the Left Hand”.

Based on the results of the judging, Jun Takaoka (the winner of the first competition) and I will prepare the performance of the ten pieces selected for the public final auditions.

In a typical composition competition, only the pieces selected from the score judging proceed to the auditions, and as a result, many pieces may not be performed ever. However, in this competition we do not want any of these pieces to go unperformed. As a way of saying thank you to all those who have participated, we have decided to record and perform (or re-perform) all 25 pieces submitted.

We plan to keep them archived over a period of about one year. We are looking forward to studying the music of all the applicants.

We hope that the audience will enjoy not only the presentation of the pieces during the competition, but also the opportunity to replay the performances over the next year. Thank you for your continued support.


以上の入選10作品は12月18日の作曲部門・公開本選審査会 15:00開始予定(大阪府箕面市立メイプルホール)で、ピアニスト高岡準、智内威雄により演奏されます。

From the Secretariat of the International Left-Hand Piano Competition

The above 10 works will be performed by the pianists Jun Takaoka and Takeo Tchinai at the open final auditions of the composition section on the 18 December, 2021, starting at 15:00 (Maple Hall, Minoh, Osaka).
Further information will be sent to all participants by email at a later date.
Please note that we will not be able to respond to any enquiries regarding the results or details of the judging.